jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

The Beginning Of The End.

I was in the church when all of this happened, I was talking with you, my God, I was happy because you give me a second chance to live, I was born again, but the happiness was a snapshot.

Resultado de imagen para a churchI remember it clearly, I was on my knees, giving you thanks for saving me, and suddenly everything around me was under water, but why?, I ran out from the church that was collapsing.

Running for my life, I managed to reach a building, and when I saw the water level rise, I started to run up the stairs, the elevator did not work, all the people ran down, while I kept going up.

When we reached the roof, I could see, the huge fireball that lights our days, today is more alive than usual, but the light that emanated was not white or yellow, it was red, you could see a hell through it.

My look went down, the thunderous cries of the sinking people overwhelmed me, I did not know what was stronger, the pain I felt at seeing them or the impotence that invaded me because I could not do anything for them.

Resultado de imagen para niña de piel morena con ojos grisesAll the people were running, looking for the exit, but the exit to where? everything was on ruins, a child caught my attention, she was alone with the water in her clothes, and the tears in her brown skin and grey eyes were making them red and moistened.

I come down from the building, my feet did not weigh, I could almost fly, when I arrived at the first floor I started to move my head from side to side, looking for her, trying to find her with the look, she was there, focus her eyes on a car.

-There are you! what are you doin’ darling? It’s the end of the world and you’re here, whatchin’ a car?!, I mean, really?!- I said

She moved his head to look at me and said,

-Who are you?- I took her from her hand.

-C’mon, we have to leave here!, now!- 

I started to take her but she stopped me and said,

-We can’t!- She denied.

-Why not?!- I asked

-He’s in trouble!- She pointed her finger at the bottom of the car, I ducked to see what was there.

There was a dog.

-We must save him!- Her eyes widened.

All this time, she was trying to help a dog that was stuck under a car.

-Okay!- I nodded.

He had a wire in the leg, this did not let go.

-The water is going up! we must do this now!- I indicated her.

I started to untangle the wire, and the level of the water continued to rise, I reached the point where I had to hold my breath to keep from drowning, after much effort, I managed to untangle it and the dog was free.

Resultado de imagen para city UNDERWATERWe ran through the crowd that surrounded us, we reached the top of the building where I was previously, I felt that there we would be safe, I had a hunch, the water went up and I reach the edge of the last floor of the building, and there it stayed, and so it was, this was the beginning of the end.

A Embarrassing Moment.

When I was in junior high school, my best friend Danny and I were in the computers room, (because we had computer class) we could not hear a video that our teacher told us that we have to watch, so my friend had an idea and she brought a speaker.

Imagen relacionadaWhile she was connecting to the computer, a partner started typing on the computer, (I don’t remember his name) I didn’t know what was he searching, so, I ignored him, and when my best friend told me “Can you check if it’s working now?” our partner play a video and we all in the room could hear groans from the speaker, and thas was because our partner was searching “porn videos” (gay porn videos), Danny's face turned red, and I opened my eyes wide.

After all our classmates gathered around us, I said "Danny take that away!", "I try!", after that Danny said, "I can not stop it! ", then the porn actor in the video said" Please do not stop! " and we all laughed because it seemed as if the actor was answering Danny our teacher shouted "turn that off! right now! and come here!".

We were laughing and then, we were unqualified that day and they put us to clean the bathrooms.

A Weird Dream.

I wake up, I was in a hospital, this hospital was abandoned, and I couldn’t remember why I was there, so, I decided to see around me and nobody was around, I look at myself, I realized that I didn’t have a tentacle, and how I was hungry I decided to eat my another tentacle, I go to the bathroom and I could find a mirror, I look at myself and one of my fish eyes was swollen.

Resultado de imagen para monster with tentacles So I decided to explore again the hospital search some medicine for my eye,I was walking  to the place where the medicines would be when I start to listen to some terrible cries of suffering and when I look in to a room I look a doctor with a lot of blood, I try to help him but it was so late, he was dead but something strange happened in his leg.
I could not leave him there, I am very hygienic, and it did not seem right to leave a mess before going on with my way, so I decided to eat him, after that, I died of an infection, the life is cruel.

The Happy Clown.

It was a cloudy day, it had rained the previous night, my cousin and I were running through the plants, feeling the humidity through the petals of the flowers, which on contact made us blush, behind us came to a friend on all fours, his fangs showed by his big smile along with his long tongue, pulling with what was interposed, after a while we felt alone, because the friend did not follow us anymore, then we began to mold a dream world with the mud of the backyard.

Resultado de imagen para clown

After a while, we were able to see a figure, emanated a solitary energy and dare to say that a little melancholy, in spite of that he smiled, had in his hand beautiful colored balloons, very alive, he could almost see, a rainbow in they, extended his long arm through the crack of the door, looked like a ball of fire in contact with the light the balloon that he offered us, when I was about to take it he kept it out of my sight, again and again, he extended another arm towards the exit, this made us think that he wanted us to leave after him, but that's when we heard the voice of my dear aunt calling us for dinner, when I turned my head around he had already disappeared.

More Than a Scar.

Resultado de imagen para drow of a chihuahua

When I was in junior high school, I had a dog, Pinky, he was my first dog and I loved him, one day when I arrived at my house my little friend wasn’t at home.

I said to my mom “Where is Pinky?”, and my mom answer me “he left the house we are looking for him”, we were looking everywhere, we distributed flyers, my father offered a reward of 50,000 pesos, but he never came back, and for a long time I dreamed that he was coming back, but that never happened.

When we gave up a few months later my father said "I do not want any more dogs in this house", and my mom said to him “What are you saying?”, and my dad said ”he abandoned us”, he was hurt and didn’t want to go through that again.

I would say that more than a scar he left a thorn in my heart and left an empty space in our family.

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

The Drowning Girl

There was a time, there was a life, I was inside my head, I was living to sink into my memories, I was drowning in my sadness and pain.

Trippin' out, spinnin' around, I'm underwater, I fell down.

Hush, hush, I've told it to myself, my faint cries can hardly be heard, even if someone could hear me, nobody could save me.

Everybody hurts some days, but always exist someone who wants to help you, you know, in the hard moments, well, in this case (my case) there was no one who can help me to keep my head above water.

I want to go home, but nobody's home, home doesn't exist, that's where I lie, broken inside.

I'm freaking' out, so, where am I now? In the water, the cold and blue of it let me see the thing more clear.

When your day is long, and the night is yours alone, when you're sure you've had enough of this life, hang on, and don't let yourself go 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.